Electronic Leak Detection

Usually, it can be challenging to find a leak underneath or on top of your home. For almost 20 years, electronic leak detection has helped American plumbers figure out where leaks are happening. This technique is cheaper and more effective than other methods, making it ideal for homeowners and business owners. Today, you can use three different methods to test your roof system for leaks. 

How Does Electronic Leak Detection Work?

An electronic leak detector can sense different frequencies of sound. This helps it figure out where there is a leak. Once the sound is picked up, a trained technician can use it to locate the source of the leak. If you have ever hired a plumber to find a leak in your drain, toilet, or steam pipes, they most likely used an electronic leak detector. 

How to Find Leaks on Your Roof

Water is 10 times better than roofing materials at conducting electricity. Because of this, electronic leak detection is particularly effective on roofs. To look for leaks, technicians can use several different methods. 

The High-voltage Method

This method of electronic leak detection involves using low amperage and high voltage. The roof’s membrane must be completely dried out. Then, an electrical lead is connected to the roof deck. Another lead is connected to the detector. 

Afterward, the technician sweeps the surface of the membrane. If any moisture is present, the conductive bristles will pick it up. This technique can be used on vertical surfaces as well as horizontal surfaces. 

The Low-voltage Method

This is one of the most popular forms of electronic leak detection. The technician starts by getting the membrane wet. This causes the roof membrane to serve as an insulator for the structural deck. If there is a leak, an electrical short will occur between the roof membrane and the structural deck. Then, specialized probes can look for the location of the leak.

Unlike other techniques, a conductive wire has to be placed around the roof’s perimeter for this method to work. Then, drains and other things that cut through the roof must be isolated using conductive wire. If this is not done properly, the technician will struggle to get an accurate reading. 

The Low-voltage IntegriScan Method

Another technique is known as the IntegriScan method. This technique uses patented technology to find breaches in vertical surfaces. Unlike the previous method, it does not utilize perimeter wires for electronic leak detection. It is also better than the high-voltage method because it does not need the membranes to be exposed. 

As a result, IntegriScan allows you to find tiny breaches in your roof. The system works best on a damp membrane, so you do not need your roof to dry out before you use it. Once the technician arrives, they can immediately look for shorts in the electrical path using a wheeled cart. Once these shorts are found, the leaks can be repaired so that your roof lasts for as long as possible before it needs to be replaced.