Using water wisely can help the environment and also lower your monthly water bill. Even if your bill doesn’t seem that high, shaving off dollars can positively impact your finances. Plus, reducing your water bill is simple if you know the proper steps to take.
Collect Rain Water
A great source of free water is rain. To collect rainwater, invest in a rain barrel that will hold gallons at one time. Most barrels come with a spout that allows you to hook your outside hose to the barrel for easy use.
Rainwater can be used to water your garden and grass, and you can even put water directly into a watering can to use on your indoor plants. While rainwater isn’t suitable for drinking, it is better for plants than tap water because it is soft and doesn’t contain chemicals. You’ll save money and likely have more beautiful plants.
Use Energy Efficient Appliances
If you live in an older home that hasn’t had appliances replaced recently, then you may want to look into upgrading. While the up-front cost of buying new appliances may seem high, you can save money for years to come.
Replacing your dishwasher and washing machine with energy-efficient brands will lower your water bill and save you money on energy use. You will also be able to do more dishes or laundry at one time and finish those tasks faster. You save time and money when you are willing to invest in quality appliances.
Take Mindful Showers
Showers indeed are where many people escape to destress from the day. You may also enjoy a long morning shower to help get you moving. The problem is mindlessly standing in the shower with hot water blasting uses a lot of water that you have to pay for eventually.
Try to keep your showers under five minutes. It’s also a good idea to find ways to use less water when in the shower. A few tips to help include:
- Getting a shower timer
- Turning off water when you are soaping your body and hair
- Take a cooler shower than usual so that you won’t linger
- Showering less often
Fix Leaks
Leaks are more than an annoyance. They cause water waste that you pay for each time you pay your water bill. Most leaks aren’t difficult to fix. Even if you do need a plumber’s help, it’s worth it for the long-term savings.
Common places you might find leaks include:
- Toilets
- Sink faucets
- Hot water tanks
- Showers
- Supply lines
You can check most of these easily from within your own home. However, supply line leaks can be trickier. If you notice puddles or other areas of moisture around your house that can’t be explained, you may have a supply line leak.
Look for leaks regularly, but pay special attention if you suddenly see an increase in your water bill.
Choose Wise Watering Times
It’s tempting to water your yard or your outside plants in the heat of the day because that’s when most vegetation looks like it’s struggling. However, this isn’t a good move for your plants or your water bill. Watering during the hottest part of the day means the water will evaporate quickly.
The best watering times are early morning or late evening. Water has time to be absorbed into the ground before evaporating if the temperature isn’t too hot. This means you won’t have to use as much water to get good results for your vegetation.
Do Laundry Right
Wait until you have a whole load of laundry to run your washing machine. Though it can be tempting to throw in a few leftover socks and a towel, it wastes tons of water. It also makes your washing machine work extra and wears down faster.
You should also remove wet laundry from the washing machine as soon as it is finished. You can hang it out to dry or put it in your dryer, but don’t let it sit in the washer wet. Your clothes will start to smell, and you will have to rewash them.
Use the Dishwasher
Washing your dishes by hand may seem like an easy way to lessen the use of your dishwasher. However, you will quickly end up using more water when you wash by hand. Load your dishwasher to capacity, and leave any dishes that won’t fit in your sink for the next load.
If you have to wash your dishes by hand, don’t leave your water running the whole time. Fill your sink up with water and wash all your dishes before rinsing and drying. This approach will use less water than leaving your faucet running while washing and rinsing each dish individually.
Use Smart Techniques to Adjust Temperature
Some recipes call for hot water, but there is more than one way to get it. Waiting for the water from your faucet to get warm means you have to leave it on and waste a ton of water before it is the right temperature. You can save water by warming it on the stove.
You can also put your drinking water in a pitcher for the week and place it in the fridge. This will keep it cold and keep you from wasting water coming from the faucet that is too warm to drink.
Use Leftovers
Most of us end up having extra water in cups around our homes by the end of the day. Don’t simply toss it down the sink. You can use the water to fill your dog’s water dish, water plants, or rinse off counters.
As long as the water hasn’t been sitting out for too long, it can still easily serve a purpose in your home.
Turn Off Bathroom Faucets
You need water to shave or brush your teeth, but you don’t have to leave the faucet running the entire time you groom. Fill your bathroom sink up with water before you shave so you can dip your razor in the sink to clean it quickly. If you shave in the shower, turn the shower off while you are shaving and back on when you are finished and ready to rinse.
Since we are supposed to brush our teeth for two minutes at least two times a day, leaving the water on the entire time is wasteful. Quickly wet your toothbrush and then turn off the faucet. When you’re finished brushing, fill a small cup to rinse and quickly turn the water back off.
Add Aerators
Adding aerators to the faucets in your home can help you use less water while making your water flow stronger. The air the aerator introduces decreases the amount of water coming through and boosts your water pressure.
Aerators are not expensive. However, they can majorly impact how much water you use while keeping your water pressure steady.
Replace Toilets
Low-flow toilets can cut down your water use by gallons each time you flush. Since toilets are responsible for a third of water consumption in a house, replacing each toilet can have a significant impact on how much homeowners spend each year.
You can also replace other bathroom items with more efficient versions. Energy-efficient showerheads will help you make the most of your short showers without wasting water.
Every small step can help decrease your water bill. It will also increase your positive impact on the planet.